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身體解嚴 蘇品文女性主義工作坊 2023

lifting of bodily Revolutionizing—— Embody Workshop by Feminism Artist PinWen.

截圖 2023-05-20 上午11.36.57.png

Pin-Wen Salon 殺龍2020

Pin-Wen Salon 2020- Performance / Nudity Workshop, practice "tactile", "nudity" and discuss"gender". Through the well-structured and progressive workshops to open our senses and self-awareness by Pin-Wen's practice.


Pin-Wen Salon is a Collaboration Project with Thinkers’ Studio.


Female Only Salon 殺龍2019

"Kill the Dragon殺龍“ is a homonym of "Salon沙龍" in Mandarin, hoping to break the stereotyped gender presentation and kill the traditional gender expectations that men must become a „dragon" and women to „phoenix“ . People should not be limited by gender , everyone should have equal opportunities.


"Kill the Dragon 2019“ is a female-only workshop. By discussing sex/gender topics - Porn, Touch, Sex Toys, Orgasm and Nudity. It helps women explore their bodies and desires, to understand themselves individuals.

Pin-Wen's Female Only Salon is a Collaboration Project with Thinkers’ Studio.

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